Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Artistic Collaboration, Week 7

Looking Back

This week, I accomplished the following items:
  • Completed Mock UI for three primary use-cases
  • Spent time learning asp.net
  • Built a procedure to test if a username is unique
  • Built the presentation for the demo
  • Added 7 stories to the backlog


This week, I found out that Microsoft really doesn't play well with Mac. There is no SQL Server Management Studio for Mac. I tried SQLPro, but it wasn't free. I decided in the moment I was going to just work out of a VirtualBox rather than waste time continuing to beat my head against a wall, but when I went to install VisualStudio onto the VM I already had created, I hadn't set aside enough space for it, so I scrapped it and came back to Mac. I finally found the windows/frames I was looking for previously in VisualStudio. They're called "pads." I also found a good (free) DB software, "DBeaver."

The other issue was connecting the CD pipeline to my Azure account, but that was incredibly quick to resolve.


The most difficult tasks I had this week were the Microsoft/Mac issues. When I had given up and then decided to come back to working outside of the context of a VM, I continued thinking to myself, "I can't be the first person to deal with this." That helped me find the information I needed to resolve multiple issues including generating stored procedures within DBeaver. 

Looking Ahead

Our team goal for the sprint ahead is to get the initial functionality to generate an event. My personal goal is to get CI/CD working correctly on my account, which could take some time to understand. This will, however, help when I go to build applications on my own in the future.


Based on the previously established metrics, here is the value of my accomplishments:
  • Accomplished: 4 stories and a spike valued at 7 points
  • Stories added to the backlog: 8

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